Sports and well-being are often overlooked, and at NPG, we pride ourselves on being able to make strong arguments to grant-givers. These revolve around tackling the mental health endemic, where the wellbeing of the country is collectively deteriorating, as well as reflecting on the strains on the NHS because of physical-health related issues. This multi-faceted and detailed approach appeals to the funders with whom we have forged strong relationships, increasing the likelihood of securing the funding you need to help contribute to a more active and healthy society. The Covid-19 pandemic has reinforced the need for healthier lives and physical activity. Your work as a sports organisation is vital in the rehabilitation process during and after the pandemic ends, to reengage society in health, well-being, and sports initiatives. This is even more important for marginalised communities such as BAME groups where there are increased rates of heart disease and diabetes, as well as other underlying health conditions. Engaging young people, women and older people is also a key priority.